Gestalt Coaching

Come and try Gestalt Coaching
to care and rethink your life


The accompaniment

Gestalt coaching is an experiential humanist accompaniment. It is based on the experience of the present moment, here and now. It helps you to develop a better awareness of yourself and of the situation you are going through, to give it meaning and experiment new ways of personal development. It enables you to identify the relational (re)plays that affect you and transform them for the purpose of a personal, relational and social appeasement.

The objectives

Gestalt coaching helps you to:
Resolve an intra or interpersonal conflict
Step back from a sensitive or complex situation
Develop awareness and authenticity to engage the desired change
Ending incomplete episodes of your life: rupture, dismissal, grief, burn-out…

The process

The interviews are face-to-face. The focus is on the experience lived through your feelings, your emotions and your psyche. By what is occuring spontaneously during the sessions, Gestalt coaching helps to highlight your internal and relational functioning, in order you to become aware of repetitive or frozen forms and to put them in motion.